I’ve written a monthly serial for the online speculative fiction magazine The Edge of Propinquity for three years now.  The original story, Vorare, wrapped up in December, and I’ve launched a new series called Solstice. These stories are published on the 15th of every month and are due from the writers on the 5th.

While I don’t think I’ve been the worst offender against deadlines in the world, there have been several months when I’ve had to call my lovely and extremely talented editor to beg a few extra days to tighten up prose or get photographs taken to accompany the stories. It’s something I always disliked doing, not only as a people pleaser but as someone who wished to be taken seriously as a writer.

The only way to stop requesting extensions, of course, is to stop missing the damned deadlines. That’s the key reason for adding it as one of my 101 Things. I made a point in January to finish my drafts and editing well ahead of schedule. The photo … well, that one was admittedly down to the wire, but I still had plenty of time to take about twenty shots in different lighting, manipulate the images and send the final choice off.

This month I intend to have March’s story and photo done by the 25th – 19 days from now.